
Clinical Psychology Review

Measures of cocky-concept and self-esteem for children ages 3–12 years: A review and recommendations


When clinicians wish to assess self-concept or self-esteem while conducting personality evaluations, few adequate instruments are currently bachelor. Nineteen most often used or newly synthetic scales which are appropriate for use with children 9 to 12 years, 6 to viii, and iii to five years are reviewed, as well as four instruments designed to exist completed past an adult (teacher or parent). Recommendations regarding the best scale for each age level are made, with psychometric adequacy and age ceremoniousness of test format as criteria for evaluation. The Piers-Harris Children'southward Self-Concept Calibration was judged to be the all-time for clinical use with older children, with no measure out evaluated every bit adequate for nonresearch use at the lower age levels. The Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem scale is recommended equally the best teacher report instrument. General problems related to the measurement of self-esteem, including social desirability, method variance, and construct validity are discussed.

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